Grep unique results
Grep unique results


Negative search - Show or hide items that do not match the search term.Case sensitive - Specify whether the search term is case-sensitive.Regex - Specify whether the search term is a literal string or a regular expression.Click this to open the Filter settings window.įilter by search term - Show or hide responses containing a specified term. The current display filter is described in the filter bar above the results table. This makes it easier to work on the content you are interested in. The display filter enables you to hide results from view. This enables you to extract an aspect of the results for further analysis. Professional To copy the contents of a column, control-click the header. You can cycle through ascending, descending, and unsorted. To sort the table's contents, click on any column header.


You can sort the results quickly identify anomalous items, for example an item with HTTP status code or response length that differs from the remaining results. PROFESSIONAL COMMUNITY Analyzing attack resultsīurp Intruder has a range of functions to help you to systematically examine a large number of results, and understand where different kinds of interesting requests appear.

grep unique results

  • Managing application logins using the configuration library.
  • Spoofing your IP address using Burp Proxy match and replace.
  • Testing for reflected XSS using Burp Repeater.
  • Viewing requests sent by Burp extensions using Logger.
  • Resending individual requests with Burp Repeater.
  • Intercepting HTTP requests and responses.
  • Viewing requests sent by Burp extensions.

    Complementing your manual testing with Burp Scanner.Testing for directory traversal vulnerabilities.Testing for blind XXE injection vulnerabilities.Testing for XXE injection vulnerabilities.Exploiting OS command injection vulnerabilities to exfiltrate data.Testing for asynchronous OS command injection vulnerabilities.Testing for OS command injection vulnerabilities.Bypassing XSS filters by enumerating permitted tags and attributes.Testing for web message DOM XSS with DOM Invader.

    grep unique results

    Testing for SQL injection vulnerabilities.Testing for parameter-based access control.Identifying which parts of a token impact the response.

    grep unique results

    Search Professional and Community Edition

    Grep unique results